has been working with you since 2011.

In 2024, we renewed our services to make it more convenient for you.

UAB Alera manages the following stores:

We also have a physical store at: Vilniaus g. 35, Karmėlava, Kaunas district, Lithuania.

The main activity is the trade of heating goods.

We manufacture and sell systems and products for underfloor heating installation.

We sell plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and other products.

The UAB Alera brand is “GEORAS”.

Our contacts:


• Company code 300099252

• VAT code LT10004034615

• Reg. address Geležinio Vilko g. 11 - 73, Kaunas

• Tel. +370 616 03757

• Email:

• Bank account at "Citadele" bank, bank code 72900

• Account number: LT037290000014467325

Our goal is to provide high-quality services by applying accumulated experience, knowledge, and new technologies. We hope for your interest and creative cooperation!

How to find us?

Store/Warehouse: Vilniaus g. 35, 54448 Karmėlava

Sandėlio vieta

Warehouse location

Please call before arriving.